The 7 Best Vitamins for Hair Growth | ThickTails

The 7 Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

The human body multitasks every second of your life. Thus, it needs to regulate all the metabolic processes, including hair growth. Your hair especially needs the proper sustenance to remain healthy and robust, such as vitamins. However, your body cannot naturally produce these nutrients. You must obtain the essentials through your diet. Below are the seven best vitamins you need for hair growth.


1. Vitamin A (Retinol)


Let’s start the list with Vitamin A. It does not only improve your eyesight, but it mainly contributes to healthy hair growth. 
A study about retinol, Vitamin A’s active form, shows its combined effects with minoxidil for hair shaft improvement. Vitamin A can stimulate your hair’s natural oil production. Hence, this nutrient helps to moisturize your scalp. Vitamin A’s antioxidant beta-carotene protects your hair cells from free radicals, thereby preventing further follicle damage.
A deficiency in Vitamin A can trigger scalp hyperkeratosis, an extreme keratin build-up in hair follicles. When this happens, you will experience having thick, scaly patches on your scalp. To avoid this scalp condition, load yourself with the best sources of Vitamin A, such as yellow and orange-colored vegetables, skim milk, and eggs. 


 2. B-Vitamins

Your mane needs the B-vitamin family to keep your hair from growing. Here are the B-vitamins to be included in your hair care regimen. 


Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

The B-vitamin family is prevalent in the world of diet and nutrition. This cluster of vitamins is headed by thiamine or better known as Vitamin B1.
What does Vitamin B1 specifically do to your mane? Hair growth decreases as your age increases. When your body’s metabolic processes begin to slow down as you grow older, energy distribution becomes sparse. Good news: Thiamine is an essential nutrient for regulating metabolism. It provides enough energy for your hair follicles to keep on thriving. Vitamin B1 can also alleviate stress-induced hair loss since its calming properties prevent a surge in stress levels. Get a powerful punch of Vitamin B1 by consuming eggs, meat, and nuts.


Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 or better known as riboflavin, also contributes to healthy hair growth. This nutrient can quickly be absorbed and excreted by the body; thus, you need an everyday dose of Vitamin B2. 
Riboflavin is a much need vitamin to build collagen, which are rich in amino acids. These organic compounds are then responsible for building your hair’s very own protein – keratin.
Another mission of riboflavin is to rejuvenate the production of the powerful antioxidant glutathione. This antioxidant fights against free radicals, which can damage the DNA structure of your hair cells.  


Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Niacin or Vitamin B3 is touted as one of the essential vitamins for hair growth. Just like every other vitamin, it must be ingested daily to enjoy its nutrient benefits. 
One of niacin’s assets is protecting the skin and tissues. Vitamin B3 blocks the UV rays from damaging your scalp. It also controls your scalp’s oil production, preventing dandruff and oil build-up from happening.
Niacin also rejuvenates your follicles, helping them to produce thicker and fuller strands. A published study by the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology showed a significant increase in hair growth among female alopecia patients, with the aid of nicotinic supplement. Studies also show that niacin stimulates protein synthesis since your locks are made up of keratin. 

Vitamin B5 (Panthenol)

The B5 vitamin or panthenol is the kind of vitamin that you can obtain from all dietary sources.
Panthenol can lock in moisture by coating your hair follicles. Its moisturizing capability helps to smooth your hair cuticles. It also restores your skin barrier, which prevents bacteria from penetrating your scalp.
Stress hormones are known factors for triggering hair loss. Thank goodness, pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5 is your adrenal glands’ fighting vitamin. Panthenol helps in regulating and minimizing testosterone levels, thus avoiding the by-product DHT.
Fill your plate with foods loaded with Vitamin B5, especially animal products like meat, liver, and eggs, and plant-based sources like grains, potatoes, tomatoes, and mushrooms.


Vitamin B6 (Pyroxidine)

Aside from enhancing your memory, this vitamin will help you to remember its hair growth benefits. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is known to restore your mane’s natural hair color. This vitamin increases your body’s melanin production to maintain your pigmented hair.
It also helps the amino acid cysteine to promote hair growth. Cysteine acts as a catalyst in protein structure, which is vital for hair development. A Polish study studied about B6’s effects against diffuse alopecia. Vitamin B6, together with other minerals, can impede DHT’s detrimental effects like female hair loss.
Vitamin B6 is abundant in various foods like poultry, fish, grains, and vegetables.


Vitamin B9 (Folate)

Folic acid is every woman’s favorite vitamin. Since female hair loss can be linked to childbirth, the B9-vitamin is a vital nutrient for expecting and new mommies.
Vitamin B9 stimulates cell and tissue generation. Therefore, it fuels hair cell growth in your body. This vitamin also maintains your hair’s youthful and healthier look. A deficiency in folic acid can trigger premature greying and thinning of your hair. 
Your body naturally produces folate, but you still need a sufficient dose of folic acid to keep those locks shiny and healthy.


Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Cobalamin or Vitamin B12 stimulates proper blood circulation. Underneath your scalp, thousands of blood vessels are connected to your hair follicles. Vitamin B12 ensures your hair’s nourishment by delivering oxygen to these follicles.

Where can you get Vitamin B12? Check your refrigerators for some animal meat and dairy products, which are excellent sources of cobalamin. 


hair growth vitamin

3. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)


Ascorbic acid is your immune system’s best buddy. It is also widely considered as a hair growth booster.
Premature aging of hair can be avoided with the help of Vitamin C. This nutrient is packed with antioxidants, which blocks free radicals from damaging your hair follicles. Vitamin C serves as a mild cleansing agent, removing excess sebum in your scalp. Vitamin C also repairs damaged cells and stimulates collagen production. As an effective humectant, ascorbic acid helps in moisture retention, making your mane softer and shinier. Thus, include Vitamin C-enriched foods such as oranges, strawberries, lemons, and kiwis in your daily diet.


4. Vitamin D (Ergocalciferol)

Sunlight provides more than bone strength. Vitamin D is also a hair growth stimulant. A study back in 2019 discovered Vitamin D’s contribution to hair growth. Research shows the correlation between Vitamin D deficiency and female alopecia. Vitamin D stimulates follicle regeneration and encourages new hair follicle growth. 
Therefore, spend some time basking in the sun every morning to get your daily dose of Vitamin D for your hair. However, don’t overexpose your hair to sunlight to avoid UV rays from damaging your follicles.


5. Vitamin E (Tocopherol)


Vitamin E or tocopherol is a popular ingredient in many cosmetic and beauty products. Both your hair and skin can benefit from this vitamin. Tocopherol or Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps in improving every strand’s elasticity. It also promotes capillary growth in your scalp, letting your hair follicles thrive. This vital vitamin can give your hair a more voluminous and lustrous look. Therefore, don’t forget a daily dose of vitamin E from nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables.

hair growth

6. Vitamin H (Biotin)


Hailed as a vital hair growth vitamin, biotin, or Vitamin H is a must-included nutrient. This B-vitamin can battle against female hair loss. According to studies, biotin supplements show improvements to female thinning hair.
This water-soluble vitamin keeps your hair’s keratin structure. Biotin also assists in breaking down fatty acids and catalyzing keratin's amino acids. These substances help in the red blood cell production, which your hair follicles need for nourishment purposes.
Biotin deficiency usually occurs during and after childbirth. Thus, women need to keep their biotin levels in check to avoid experiencing hair loss.


7. Vitamin K (Phytonadione)

Vitamin K or phytonadione is your go-to vitamin for blood clotting. However, research shows the positive hair growth changes that this fat-soluble vitamin provides. The K-vitamin has three forms, and menaquinone or Vitamin K2 is a must-have hair essential.
You can avoid scalp calcification with the help of the K2 vitamin. This hair loss condition happens when there is a calcium deposit underneath your scalp, blocking your blood vessels and hindering oxygen flow.
If you’re craving for some Vitamin K, include soybeans and fermented vegetables and cheese.



Vitamins are supplements your body needs to survive. Without vitamins, you’ll experience adverse changes in your overall health and appearance.
Maintaining the beauty of your hair is crucial and tedious. Therefore, an appropriate amount of all the best vitamins will help you create miracles for your hair. 
How can you nourish your mane with these vitamins? First, it is vital to have a well-balanced diet to get an ample supply of hair nutrients. You can also consume vitamin supplements. Then, always use hair growth products that contain the best vitamins for your hair.


Don’t stop learning about hair growth. Discover more about female hair loss causes. Check out the best shampoo and conditioner with hair vitamins