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Zaštitite i vratite kosu od učinaka neravnoteže hormona. Najbolji način zaštite i obnavljanja kose od hormonske neravnoteže je korištenje proizvoda od ThickTails Program rasta kose, koji svi pomažu u smanjenju opsega koji hormoni ometaju vaš prirodni rast kose. Upotrijebite kod Hello15 pri odjavi za 15% popusta na prvu narudžbu - i započnite svoje putovanje do punijeg, debljine, zdrave kose s manje loma i više volumena
Protect & Restore Your Hair From the Effects of Hormone Imbalances.
The best way to protect & restore your hair from hormonal imbalance is to use products from the ThickTails Hair Growth System, all of which help to reduce the extent that hormones interfere with your natural hair growth.
Use code hello15 at checkout for 15% off your first order – and start your journey to fuller, thicker, more healthy hair with less breakage and more volume
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