Benefits and Uses of Peppermint Oil | ThickTails

Benefits and Uses of Peppermint Oil

 A whole day at work can be quite stressful, and nothing beats a relaxing warm bath. Many people use candles coupled with essential oils to make their bathing experience aromatic and soothing.

Peppermint oil is among the most widely used essential oils for calming and healing purposes. Many researchers have studied the magical power of this extract to keep your body healthy. Learn more about this oil wonder.


Background: What is Peppermint Oil?

Peppermint oil is a plant-based extract from the peppermint plant (Mentha piperita) of the mint brethren. The peppermint herbal plant thrives in North America and Europe. 
This essential oil is far more concentrated with nutrients, making peppermint oil a renowned therapeutic ingredient. What does peppermint oil contain? Menthol and menthone are the most valuable constituents known to benefit the body. Menthol has cooling properties that can alleviate skin irritations. On the other hand, menthone is considered an analgesic component for body pain and aches. 
Why is peppermint oil prevalent in the haircare industry? Here are several reasons why peppermint oil is beneficial.

Health Benefits of Peppermint Oil


1. It relaxes the mood.

The refreshing scent of peppermint oil helps you to relax and stay alert at the same time. When you smell peppermint's aroma, your olfactory system sends signals to the brain, which can trigger the release of calming chemicals.
Sniffing peppermint oil can also invigorate your feeling and remove restlessness and fatigue due to the menthol's cooling effects. Its fragrance also keeps your mind awake and alert, thereby allowing you to keep up with your busy schedule.
Alleviate the stress from work by whiffing this relaxing essential oil. Peppermint oil will shoo your stress away and stimulate your drive to work. 


2. It treats gastrointestinal problems.

Besides feeling relaxed, you can also ditch your gastrointestinal problems away with the help of peppermint oil. The leaves of the peppermint plant are considered staples in gastrointestinal treatments.
Using peppermint herbs is an ancient yet highly esteemed method to treat indigestion. Studies show that this herbal medicine is an antiflatulent agent which helps to expel gas. Peppermint's calming properties relieve the stomach's muscles, which maintain proper bile flow. This improvement helps your stomach to digest fat, thereby avoiding indigestion.
IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a digestive problem within your large intestine. Peppermint oil can reduce IBS symptoms like abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea. You can avoid having an upset stomach with peppermint oil since its calming properties can lessen your stomach's smooth muscle contractions.


3. It alleviates pain.


Peppermint oil is not your pain reliever for your heartaches, but it can relieve body pain and muscle soreness. This menthol-enriched oil has anti-inflammatory properties that give relief for muscle pain and spasms.

Applying a mixture of peppermint oil with other essential oils also benefits your muscles, allowing the warm sensation to seep into your muscles and joints.

Aside from muscular fatigue, peppermint oil also eases your headaches. Menthol helps the muscles to relax, thus reducing the painful sensation on your head. Its fragrant smell also signals your brain to release more serotonin to drive the pain away.

A stressful day can give you headaches. Stop depending on painkillers all the time. You can rub a few drops of this natural oil on your forehead and temple to mitigate the pain. 


4. It soothes skin irritations.

Though peppermint oil is very concentrated, it is still safe to use this extract to alleviate various skin irritations.
Bug bites are amongst the common skin irritations. When your body recognizes a foreign substance entering through your skin, your immune system responds to this invasion by releasing histamines. In turn, the epidermis starts to swell and itch because of your body's histamines.
How does peppermint oil soothe bug bites and forms of skin irritations? Menthol, a very active component of this extract, has cooling properties to reduce itching and swelling.
However, do not hastily use peppermint oil as an itch relief. In rare cases, some people develop allergic reactions when using the undiluted version or applying excessive amounts of peppermint oil. Thus, remember to check the oil product and its ingredients if your skin is hypersensitive to chemicals.


5. It keeps your breath fresh.

Are you having morning breath problems? If yes, then peppermint oil can help you to win against bad breath.
This mouth problem is caused by bacterial growth. Microbes feed on the food particles that are stuck in between your teeth. These bacteria release a pungent odor as a result of chemically breaking down those food leftovers. Here's the good news: peppermint oil's minty scent can neutralize your morning breath's foul smell. Its antiseptic properties also protect your teeth from decaying. Keep your breath fresh and clean by gargling with a peppermint-infused mouthwash. 

6. It promotes hair growth.

Poor hair growth is another debacle that one must overcome. However, thanks to various researchers' never-ending efforts, they have found another ingredient for hair treatments. 
Peppermint oil is a prevalent essential oil used for tightening pores on the scalp. Its antimicrobial properties also prevent bacteria from invading and causing scalp infections. You can also avoid having dandruff problems with the help of peppermint oil. 
Proper blood circulation is vital to keep your hair follicles thriving. This plant-based oil is said to be an effective vasodilator. The menthol's cooling sensation relaxes the muscles surrounding your artery walls, allowing more blood to flow towards your scalp. In turn, your hair follicles get their oxygen nourishment because of the successful blood circulation.


 uses of peppermint oil for hair growth

Uses of Peppermint Oil for Hair Growth

Peppermint oil is undeniably an essential ingredient to improve hair health. Here are several methods on how to use this unique extract for hair growth.

1. Using peppermint oil for scalp massages

The easiest way to use peppermint as growth enhancement is to lather a few drops of this essential oil on your hair and scalp. Massaging your scalp is vital in stimulating blood circulation. At the same time, you will feel more relaxed because of the minty scent from the oil.

Keep your scalp relaxed and protected with the combined effects of argan oil and peppermint oil. Mix both essential oils properly before gently massaging your scalp and distributing oils from roots to ends.


2. Treating your dry locks with peppermint oil

Suffering from the dry scalp can also make your strands dehydrated. Applying peppermint oil on your locks will moisturize your hair. Mix peppermint oil with other carrier oils like jojoba or almond oil to get other essential nutrients for your hair.


3. Creating your peppermint oil hair mask

Shower your mane with love by giving yourself a hair mask treatment at least once in a week. Hair masks provide a myriad of hair growth benefits. Lathering your favorite hair mask concoction helps to moisturize the locks and revitalize your hair's lifeline deeply. 
Infuse peppermint oil with any of your favorite hair-boosting ingredients like Shea butter, ripe avocados, coconut extract, natural honey, and green tea. You can also incorporate peppermint oil with other essential oils like argan oil, rosemary oil, and almond oil to amplify the nutrient absorption.


4. Using peppermint oil as a dandruff treatment

Most women would rely on anti-dandruff shampoos to treat dandruff problems. However, not all women have the privilege to buy these expensive hair products. You can add a few drops of peppermint oil on your favorite hair growth shampoo. Wash your hair using this oil-infused shampoo to cleanse away bacteria and prevent dandruff formation.


5. Drinking peppermint tea as a hair growth booster

Peppermint oil is also used as food and beverage flavoring. One way to enjoy its health benefits is by drinking peppermint tea, a popular beverage for tea enthusiasts. 
Peppermint tea is also perfect for losing weight since it is a calorie-free drink. Drinking this peppermint-infused beverage can lighten up your mood and shoo your stress away. Keeping yourself relaxed also benefits your hair. Once you are stressed, testosterone levels surge, thereby creating the hair antagonist known as dihydrotestosterone


peppermint oil for hair


Risks of Using Peppermint Oil for Hair Growth


Despite the promising results that peppermint can offer, many people are still in doubt of using peppermint oil for hair growth. 

Peppermint oil is a highly concentrated essential oil. Though it is unlikely to happen, people with hypersensitivity to chemicals may experience allergic reactions like redness, rashes, and itching. If you are sensitive to minty fragrances, you may experience headaches. 

Using excessive amounts of essential oil poses health risks. Thus, use the right dosage of peppermint oil for your everyday hair treatments. 


Peppermint Oil Saves the Day

Your hair is a thriving part of your body. Therefore, one must always be cautious in selecting the most effective yet safest ingredients for hair treatments. If appropriately used, peppermint oil will prevent you from experiencing future 'bad hair' days.


Learn More.

Keep your locks healthy by using hair growth products infused with essential oils. Spoil yourself by using the best shampoo and conditioner against hair loss. Check out the ThickTails Hair Growth products for hair restoration